On Tuesday, we (Koboloris) spent the afternoon working on some of the final production tasks before the debut EP is completed, this particular afternoon we had the small matter of goblin-vocals to attend to..
After suffering a computer virus attack, it looked like we would be up against the clock to finish the EP production, however we managed to pull the main mixing computer back from the blink of near oblivion, so only a day of mixing time was lost.
Only a couple more sessions to go and we will be all finished with production and ready to unleash the Koboloris debut EP. In the mean time, here are a couple of snaps of things in our workspace ..
4X10 cab, mainly used for resting things on, also comes in handy for recording bass out of.
The vocal condenser mic, very handy for capturing the soul-wrenching screams of forest goblins.